A Photo a Day

Photos of Kyushu, one of the main islands of Japan.

January 17, 2008

Japanese soldier guarding Kumamoto Castle

Filed under: — site admin @ 10:09 pm

well maybe his distant offspring…

January 24, 2007

Lotus Bud

Filed under: — site admin @ 11:00 pm

A lotus flower in a Fukuoka Temple.

September 20, 2006

Who’s that?

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 8:55 pm

Who’s that?, originally uploaded by laurenz.

no idea what type of bug this is - but it sure is sitting on a beautiful lotos seed pod in a Fukuoka temple.

August 30, 2006

Crater Lakes of Japan

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 12:40 am

PICT7238-01, originally uploaded by laurenz.

The “Okano” crater lake at Zao San (Near Yamagata, Japan) lies still and displays its incredibly green colour - for a few seconds before it is again covered by mist.

crater lake of Mount Aso on Kyushu (Japan)

PICT6001-01, originally uploaded by laurenz.

Much less peaceful: the crater lake of Mount Aso on Kyushu (Japan), also shows an impressive greenish colour.

August 29, 2006

Japanese Castles

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 12:12 am
Kumamotojo, Kumamoto, Kyushu

Castles of Japan I, originally uploaded by laurenz.

Kumamotojo - the most famous castle on Kyushu (Japan).

Tsuruhajo, Aizu Wakamatsu

Castles of Japan II, originally uploaded by laurenz.

Tsurugajo, Aizu Wakamatsu

August 20, 2006

Fukuoka Sunset 2

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 2:32 am
sunset seen from Fukuoka Tower, Kyushu, Japan

Fukuoka Sunset 2, originally uploaded by laurenz.

another shot from the Fukuoka Tower at sunset.

August 17, 2006

Dejima: Dutch Factory

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 2:57 pm

Dejima, originally uploaded by laurenz.

For a long time, Dejima (in Nagasaki) was Japan’s only door to the world.
In the reconstructed Dutch factory, you can now see the unique blend of Japanese and Western culture: chairs furniture standing on “tatami” mats that are usually meant for sitting on a small zabuton or sleeping on the rolled out futon mattress.

August 16, 2006

Nagasaki Atomic Bomb museum

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 11:43 pm

Nagasaki Atomic Bomb museum, originally uploaded by laurenz.

next to the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb museum is a vault that you reach through grey concrete tunnels while always there is water flowing next to you.
A very impressive place. The racks in the central vault hold the names of the victims of the second nuclear bomb.

August 13, 2006


Lanterns at the Shrine, originally uploaded by laurenz.

Now at the time of O Bon, many lanterns are lit all over Japan, - as here in a Fukuoka shrine

August 12, 2006

Lotos Bud in the Tochoji temple, Fukuoka

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 7:59 am

Lotos Bud, Tochoji temple, Fukuoka, originally uploaded by laurenz.

a Lotos Bud, seen in the Tochoji temple, Fukuoka (Japan)

August 11, 2006

Oil lamp in Tochoji temple, Fukuoka

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 4:13 pm

Oil lamp in Tochoji temple, Fukuoka, originally uploaded by laurenz.

This temple is famous for holding the largest wooden Buddha statue in the world, but unfortunately photographing this impressive (albeit recent) statue is not permitted.

August 10, 2006

Somewhere in Fukuoka

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 12:21 am

Somewhere in Fukuoka, originally uploaded by laurenz.

A temple in Fukuoka, Japan.

August 9, 2006

Naka River

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 4:58 am

Naka River, originally uploaded by laurenz.

in Fukuoka, Japan.

August 8, 2006

ACROS Fukuoka

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 7:28 am

ACROS Fukuoka, originally uploaded by laurenz.

I placed my camera on the ground and shot upwards using a delay of 10 seconds.
Konica Minlta 7d Sigma 15-30.


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All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke. Copyright for the photos on the Outstanding Travel Photos blog: the individual photographer
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