A Photo a Day

December 18, 2006

Kibble Palace, Glasgow Botanical Gardens

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Ferns and palm trees in the Kibble Palace

I took this picture inside Kibble palace, a world-famous glass-house in the Glasgow Botanical Gardens, back in 1993. When I revisited the botanical gardens in 2005, this attraction was closed for restoration.
One more reason to return to Glasgow some time later and see what this great building looks like now!

June 13, 2006

St. John’s Church, Edinburgh

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St John's Church in Edinburgh, near Princess street

Right next to the main street, with Edinburgh Castle in the background.

May 25, 2006

Quiet before the Storm: Loch Morlich

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yet another shot of this picturesque highland lake.

February 12, 2006


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St Andrews Cathedral in Inverness, viewed from the bridge.
Inverness is often called the “capital of the highlands” and is indeed very strategically situated if you want to explore the heart of Scotland.
The river you see on the picture is the Ness.

January 10, 2006

Scrap yard in Glasgow

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scrap Yard

A scrap Yard in the wharf area of Glasgow seen from a river cruise.

November 3, 2005

Cemetary, Edinburgh

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St John's
Shot on a graveyard next to St John’s church at the end of Princes Street in Edinburgh.

October 21, 2005

Edinburgh Castle at Night

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Taken during the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland.

October 13, 2005


Filed under: — laurenzb @ 2:48 pm

Sunflower, originally uploaded by laurenz.

seen in Glasgow botanic garden.

September 20, 2005

Loch Morlich

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Loch Morlich,near Aviemore
Loch Morlich (Scotland) shortly before sunset.

September 11, 2005

Passers-by (Edinburgh Fringe Festival)

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 11:32 pm

Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Passers-by, originally uploaded by laurenz.

Presumably actors from one of the many theatre performances going on simultaneously in the hundreds of venues.

September 5, 2005

Tao - Japanese drums in Scotland

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Kodo drums at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
This is a picture from the 2005 Edinburgh Festival.
Flash photography was explicitly prohobited so I took this shot without flash with my small Lumix FX8.

July 9, 2005

Scottish Reindeer

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Reindeer in the Cairngorms National Park

April 13, 2005

Loch Morlich at sunset

Filed under: — lbobke @ 5:53 pm

Loch Morlich, near Aviemore, Scotland
Yet another shot of Loch Morlich taken at sunset on a rainy day in the Cairngorms.
Also see:
Boat on Loch Morlich, Rainbow in the Cairngorms

April 11, 2005

Fields at Arbroath, Scotland

Filed under: — lbobke @ 9:07 pm

Arbroath Fields
Somewhere between Dundee and Aberdeen, there is the small town of Arbroath.
This place is famous for its cliffs where you van watch colonies of puffins at the right time of year.
Even when there are no puffins, the views are breathtaking and walking a bit inland, you’ll see fields, cliffs and water.
Click the image for a larger version.

April 6, 2005

Boat on Loch Morlich

Filed under: — site admin @ 10:34 pm

a boat on Loch Morlich (Cairngorm National Park)
A fishing boat on Loch Morlich in the Cairngorm National Park.
This picture was taken only a few meters from “Rainbow in the Cairngorms”.

April 2, 2005

Rainbow in the Cairngorms

Filed under: — lbobke @ 8:07 am

Rainbow in the Cairngorms (Cairngorm National Park, near Aviemore, Scotland UK)

A rainbow appears over the forests near Loch Morlich in the Cairngorms (Cairngorm National Park, near Aviemore, Scotland UK).
I slightly enhanced the colours using a circular polarizing filter. Depending on the position of such a filter, it will either enhance the colours - or even eliminate the rainbow effect!
(A polarizer actually consists of two glass filters that are rotated against each other and is very useful for eliminating or enhancing all sorts of reflections)

November 13, 2004

Scottish Castle

Filed under: — lbobke @ 10:53 pm

and green gardens…

July 10, 2004

Photos from Scotland

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You find photos from Edinburgh, Dundee, Glasgow ans St. Andrews over
at the main gallery.


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All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke. Copyright for the photos on the Outstanding Travel Photos blog: the individual photographer
Republication only with my written permission, and only with proper credit (including a link back to this site if shown on the web).

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