A Photo a Day

Everything that doesn’t fit the other categories.

March 1, 2007

Site Themes

Filed under: — site admin @ 11:33 pm

you may have noticed the slightly different colour scheme or the new “themes” menu in the upper right corner: A Photo A Day now offers a choice of different themes.
The photos are the same, but you can now decide whether you rather would like to look at them on a black or white background.
Quite possible that I’ll add more colour schemes later.
If you prefer the red-black-yellow one that used to be the default: just select the “A-Photo-A-Day” scheme.

February 2, 2006


Filed under: — site admin @ 9:31 pm


A thistle, photographed near Loch Ness, Scotland.

June 15, 2005

Flickr: travel Photography Group

Filed under: — lbobke @ 7:24 pm

A few weeks ago, I created a Flickr Group for Travel Photography.
There are already more than 400 memners and over 3000 images in the group pool.
Here is a list of countries for which there are pictures in the pool.

Here’s a random sample:


photos in Travel Photography More photos in Travel Photography

February 12, 2005

Guest photos from Greece and Canada

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 7:51 pm

There are new photos in the Canada and Greece sections of the guest gallery.
The photographers are Benny Everaerts Eleni and Robert Calvé.

October 1, 2004

Travel Photo Net: Guest Gallery updated

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:27 pm

There are some excellent new images in the Australia I, Thailand and Tibet galleries.
The photographers are Ben Weldon and Gil Mandelbaum .

Definiteley worth a look!

PS: I also added something about making a photo site search engine friendly.

September 25, 2004

Photo Tips

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:32 am

I added a few new pages to my photo tips section:

  • Teleconverters (under “equipment“)
  • background matters
  • bracketing
  • promoting a photo page on the web (under building your own photo site)
  • I hope this helps! Feedback is always welcome…


    September 15, 2004

    New Guest Photos

    Filed under: — site admin @ 6:48 pm

    The newest additions to my guet galleries: A whole new gallery for Scotland and new pictures in the India and United States II galleries.
    The new images have been contributed by Dave Christopher, Bhaskar Karambelkar and Alan Ingram.

    The guest gallery currently has photos from Australia, Bolivia, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Kalahari, Laos, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nepal, Peru, Scotland, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, the United States and Vietnam.

    I find it fascinating to see the various countries from different angles!


    September 14, 2004

    How to build a photo page on the web

    Filed under: — site admin @ 9:44 pm

    I have started a section on building your own photo site in my photo tips.
    The first short articles are supposed to help future webmasters decide what type of page they want to have (web gallery? photo-log? a personal domain?), how to plan the site and what to consider when actually designing it.
    Maybe, I’ll add something on promoting a photo-page lateron.
    If you find this helpful and actually put up a site: please dont forget to link to Travelphoto NET! ;-)

    September 8, 2004

    New Design for European Gallery

    Filed under: — site admin @ 7:17 pm

    I’m currently redesigning the Europe section of Travelphoto Net to

  • include links to countries covered in this photo log
  • generally facilitate navigation
  • switch the code to modern standards
  • The result will not look too different from today - but hopefully be better.
    If things work out as intended, I’ll do the same to the other continents.
    Of course, I’d be grateful for feedback! Do you like the layout? Is it easy to navigate? Do you find any errors/problems? Please let me know!

    PS: under photo-tips there’s now an article on the right camera for travel photography.

    August 24, 2004

    Taking photos in Machu Picchu

    Filed under: — Laurenz @ 4:09 pm

    A few days ago I had the privilege to see Machu-Picchu (Peru) and I burned lots of film!
    One piece of advice: the light is truly magical around sunrise.
    Also, there are hardly any tourists - the big buses arrive aeround 10 am.
    So, I’d recommend to be in Aguas Calientes the day before visiting the ruins, taking the bus at 5:30 am. Even before sunrise, the sky was remarkably bright and I could easiliy take picture with my 50 mm lens (1:1.4) and shortly after with the normal zoom (Minolta 24-85).

    PS: when I left the site, two Viszcachas were sitting on the main entrance, but none of the tours saw them! Watch out for little humming birds as well!

    August 21, 2004

    Greetings from Machu Picchu

    Filed under: — Laurenz @ 9:04 pm

    Whoever is following this photolog: I´m currently in Aguas Calientes, the village next to Machu Picchu. New photos will be posted once I come back from Peru - but possibly I´ll also add some personal impressions…


    March 15, 2004

    Scanner Software - update may solve problems

    Filed under: — Laurenz @ 6:36 pm

    When my slide scanner (Minolta Dimage II) started generating strange error messages and very often completely refused to cooperate, I was tempted to just replace it.
    Then, I thought better of it and looked for a software update.
    Couldn’t find anything on http://konicaminolta.com/
    Even searching the site did not bring me to a download section.
    So I wrote a short mail and was positively surprised when I received an answer 2 days later.
    The mail by Minolta contained a link to driver update and my scanner has functioned very well ever since.
    So, before dishing out that money for an expensive repair or a new scanner, you might want to try a software update first.


    February 22, 2004

    Braun Multimag 3600 slide scan

    Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:31 pm

    I have waited for such a scanner for a long time: wouldn’t it be handy if you could feed your scanner whole trays of slides and let it scan while you do something else.
    How much time could this save us? And what an elegant way of saving all ones pictures on a digital medium.
    Now, Braun and Reflecta offer such a scanner that actually looks very much like a slide projector - not really surprising considering Braun’s expertise in this sector.
    Tests were mixed however and there seems to be a difference between the Braun and Reflecta scanners - although they are the same model! This obviously has to do with the software (Braun comes with Silverfast) and the drivers.
    One test in a German photo mag was quite encouraging: although the Braun was not in the absolute top (Minolta took the top spot for scan quality) its scans were classified as good.
    If you consider the time you spend staring at your monitor when scanning, the small difference in quality may not be worth it.
    Don’t know yet whether I’ll buy this one though. It may be wiser to wait for the next (improved) version - after all this is the very first scanner of its kind.


    February 7, 2004

    Pictures on CD

    Filed under: — Laurenz @ 7:27 pm

    Regardless of whether they have been taken directly with a digital camera or scanned from film:
    Lots of images are saved onto CDs and DVDs every day.
    But: how safe are they there.
    Reading an article in a German Computer Magazine I realised that this may not be for eternity.
    Prints and slides always have deteriorated over time - the same seems to be true for digital storage media.
    Quite possible that we won’t be able to read them in a few years?

    February 6, 2004

    Refound Guestbook

    Filed under: — Laurenz @ 6:35 am

    A loooooong time ago, I did not yet have a domain of my own. I already had a guestbook though.
    The guestbook was hosted on Tripod and worked very well. It was surprising how many people left a message there.
    So, I was not happy when the guestbook suddenly disappeared after the takeover of Tripod by Lycos.

    A few days ago, I had an idea: there is a so-called Internet archive (Wayback Machine) that tries to preserve pages in their various stages. And indeed, my guestbook was there! One page of 170 kb, text only.
    I saved it to disk, divided it into more digestible portions and uploaded it to
    Thanks, “Wayback Machine”!



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    All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke. Copyright for the photos on the Outstanding Travel Photos blog: the individual photographer
    Republication only with my written permission, and only with proper credit (including a link back to this site if shown on the web).

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