A painted advert on a facade in Montreal.
Photos from Canada.
Montreal has many houses with wooden or wrought iron stairways, and beautifully painted doors and facades.
A house that is painted in bright colours with comic-like faces on all sides.
There are new photos in the Canada and Greece sections of the guest gallery.
The photographers are Benny Everaerts Eleni and Robert Calvé.
Not in Japan! This is the Japanese garden in Montrela Botanical garden.
I was just reading this sign in Montreal Botanical Garden, when a little bird landed right on top of it and protested vehemently…
The attraction of the Expo 1967 by the famous architect Buckminster Fuller has lost its skin, but is still one of the most important landmarks of Montreal.
Today it houses a water exhibition.
Advertisement of a cinema in Montreal, Canada. Note the typical mixture of French and English…
There are many art galleries in the streets of Montreals historic city and they look their best at night…
“Rue University”? In Montreal, you often see peculiar mixtures of French and English.
Quite decorative, but slightly less colourful lighting would have been more to my taste: the city hall of Montreal at night.
Even the “gothic” cathedrals are less old than they look. Still, the contrasts are truly photogenic: small, “medieval” churches in the shadow of modern skyscrapers.
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