A Photo a Day

March 9, 2006


Filed under: — laurenzb @ 1:23 pm

Fountain, originally uploaded by laurenz.

A fountain in La Orotava, Tenerife.
I tried lots of different exposures with and without flash, but liked the silhouetted version best.

The statue depicts (well, I don’t think anybody knows what she actually looked like) princess Dácil, the daughter of the “mencey” Bencomo, who defeated a Spanish Force.

March 7, 2006

Turtle head

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 8:25 pm

Turtle head, originally uploaded by laurenz.

Shot with a tele lens in the botanical gardens of Puerto de la Cruz (tenerife, Spain).

March 1, 2006

Tenerife rain

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 9:13 pm

Tenerife rain, originally uploaded by laurenz.

My first day on Tenerife - not quite as sunny as I had hoped, but fortunately the weather has improved a lot already!

January 30, 2006

The Rhine at Biebrich

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:44 pm

The river Rhein

The weather was cold - but beautiful - and a good chance to try out my new toy, a Sigma 15-30 mm wide-angle lens…
(Minolta Maxxum 9, Fujichrome Velvia 100).

August 27, 2005

Schierstein Harbour

Filed under: — lbobke @ 7:48 pm

The harbour of Wiesbaden-Schierstein and the river Rhine.

August 4, 2005


Filed under: — lbobke @ 7:57 pm

Cropped Wasp, originally uploaded by laurenz.

a macro shot of a wasp taken in Wiesbaden Schierstein with my tiny Lumix FX8.

April 5, 2005

Tower, Torremolinos

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:17 pm

Old Tower, Torremolinos, Málaga
A small tower in Torremolinos. The sign says “Hidroelectrica del Chorro”.
This was the first company producing electricity in Málaga.
“El Chorro” is a small village near the dam and hydroelectric plant in Antequera, but the name also refers to the whole “Andalusian lake district” with its famous climbing opportunities.

April 3, 2005

At the beach

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:58 pm

Golden Gate Bridge
Walking the beach near Golden Gate Bridge.

September 26, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 3:39 pm

In addition to the country sections, there also are some thematic categories.
You will find the same pictures by browsibg through all countries, but
if you are interested in a certain subject (e.g. "night photography")
you can retrieve the respective photos with one click.

Please note that one photo may occur in several categories (e.g. under
"architecture" and "religions".


pictures of animals: camels, cats, parrots, a monkey…


the cathedral of Palermo, the Mezquita (mosque) of Córdoba, the lion yard in Granada, a church in the altiplano, Greek temples, the pyramid at the Louvre, the Golden Gate Bridge and much more…


various pieces of art from ancient Egypt to modern pop art.


Syracuse (Sicily) and New York’s Greenwich Village at night, Granada
seen from the famous Alhambra.


the Maya temples of Copán (Honduras), Buddhist statues, a peasant
returning from the field in Bali, Japanes theatre and a tea ceremony,
the ancient temples of Ggantija (Malta) and the Great wall in China.


a mountain brook in Japan, volcanoes, lakes and geysirs in Chile, parks
in Germany and on the Bahamas, the sea in Greece and Thailand, beaches,
mountains, woods….


available light photography from sunset until sunrise, and of course
the "blue hour"!
Most of the shots were taken on rather slow film (fuji Velvia) using a
tripod and a cable release.


just some of my favourite images.


people in various situations. a porter in Chonquing (China), a Japanese
Geisha, somebody fly-fishing imn kamakura (Japan)…


pictures showing aspects of various religions.
Also have a look at my "Religions
of the World Gallery


closely related to the night photography shots…

September 15, 2004

New Guest Photos

Filed under: — site admin @ 6:48 pm

The newest additions to my guet galleries: A whole new gallery for Scotland and new pictures in the India and United States II galleries.
The new images have been contributed by Dave Christopher, Bhaskar Karambelkar and Alan Ingram.

The guest gallery currently has photos from Australia, Bolivia, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Kalahari, Laos, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nepal, Peru, Scotland, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, the United States and Vietnam.

I find it fascinating to see the various countries from different angles!


September 3, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 4:48 pm

Azulejos in Fuengirola, Andalusia (Southern Spain)
The elaborate tiles are omnipresent in Southern Spain and Portugal: you find them as decorative elements on houes, but also as street sign, on park benches, in churches and many other likely and unlikely places.
The plaza des España in Seville is full of them and even the “Torre del Oro” (Golden Tower) gets its colour from gilded azulejos!
Usually, azulejos are mostly blue, as the name seems to indicate (azul=blue), but just about all other colours may be present as well.

As to the origin of the name azulejo: although the connection to the Spanish word for “blue” seems obvious, experts come up with a different etymology - from Arabic “Al Zulai” meaning brick.
Now, these tiles are neither completely blue nor bricks, but in any case truly photogenic!

August 24, 2004

Taking photos in Machu Picchu

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 4:09 pm

A few days ago I had the privilege to see Machu-Picchu (Peru) and I burned lots of film!
One piece of advice: the light is truly magical around sunrise.
Also, there are hardly any tourists - the big buses arrive aeround 10 am.
So, I’d recommend to be in Aguas Calientes the day before visiting the ruins, taking the bus at 5:30 am. Even before sunrise, the sky was remarkably bright and I could easiliy take picture with my 50 mm lens (1:1.4) and shortly after with the normal zoom (Minolta 24-85).

PS: when I left the site, two Viszcachas were sitting on the main entrance, but none of the tours saw them! Watch out for little humming birds as well!

August 21, 2004

Greetings from Machu Picchu

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 9:04 pm

Whoever is following this photolog: I´m currently in Aguas Calientes, the village next to Machu Picchu. New photos will be posted once I come back from Peru - but possibly I´ll also add some personal impressions…


August 5, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 3:01 pm

Seen in Meknes, Morocco.

August 4, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 10:44 pm

Agave plants in Torremolinos (Southern Spain)

August 3, 2004

Winter in Wiesbaden

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:23 am

It’s quite hot now, so here’s a shot from cooler times.
You find more photos from Germany over at the main site.

Snow and ice in a park in Wiesbaden, Germany

August 1, 2004

Near Wuhan

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:31 am

When approaching Wuhan, it seemed that water was everywhere - after all, lotos roots are a local delicacy…

July 31, 2004

Mountain River

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:04 am

Mountain River, Japan

July 29, 2004

A coast with a view

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:07 am

Coast (Gozo, Malta)
Typical view of the coast on Gozo (Malta)

July 28, 2004

Photos from India

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:47 pm
I did not scan any additional photos from India lately, - however, as you
may have arrived via a search engine, you may be interested in the existing
photo galleries:
the shores of the Ganges, portraitsof sadhus and pilgrims.
Agra: Taj Mahal, streets, temples.
  Agra: in
the morning
Bodhgaya: stupas, rural India.
Lucknow: great Imambara, impressions of the city.
Delhi: Humayun
Mausoleum. Ancient Observatory.
Calcutta: harbour, Fairlawn Hotel.
Bikaner: camel farm.
Jaisalmer: castle, streets.
buildings, in the desert.
Jodhpur: inside the Maharajah’s palace, vultures, traditional
music, market.
To take the "guided tours" of Northern India, click on any of the
above images to select a photo gallery, then follow the arrow keys.
Point the mouse cursor on an image to see a short description or click on
it to view a larger version.

July 26, 2004

Giant Bell

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:20 pm

millennium bell (Wuhan, China)
Millennium bell in Yellow Crane Tower Park, Wuhan.

July 24, 2004

Shinto Shrine

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:16 pm

Shinto Shrine
Shinto shrine in Miyajima. The ceremony performed there was solemn and impressive - although I didn’t understand it at all…

New photo-tips

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:09 pm

I added some new photo tips on my website: taking pictures in museums, “shooting” from cars, trains and planes, wildlife- and animal-photography.
If anyone’s interested: http://www.travelphoto.net/photos/english/photo-tips/

July 23, 2004

Quadriga on Monumemto Vittorio Emmanuele

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:12 pm

The Monumemto Vittorio Emmanuele dominates the Piazza Venezia.
It was built in 1885 as a symbol of the unity of the country. This is one of the quadrigas on the top of the monument.

July 22, 2004

Autumn in Wiesbaden

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:46 pm

Autumn in Wiesbaden, Germany

Autumn in a park in Wiesbaden, Germany

July 21, 2004

Markets of Meknes

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:56 pm

typical view of the markets of Meknes.

July 20, 2004

Peace Cranes

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:03 pm

Photo of paper Cranes in Hiroshima

One of the most impresive sights in Hiroshima are the innumerable brightly coloured paper cranes at the Children’s Peace monument.
I was told that the origami cranes had become a powerful peace symbol because of the story of a little Japanese girl who developed leukemia 10 years after the nuclear bomb had been dropped.
She had begun to fold 1000 origami cranes but died before she could complete her task. Others continued for her and there are thousands and thousands of new cranes every year.

July 19, 2004

Palermo: Monreale

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:32 pm

The cathedral of Monreale was built by king William II who wanted it to be a sign of his power and sovereignty - outdoing the existing basilica in which the bishop (Walter of the Mill, an Englishman) resided.
A few years later, the bishop ordered his basilica to be torn down - and a new one to be erected in its place.
In any case, the cloister of Monreale is a beautiful place - and you can spend lots of time examining the architectural details: almost every column has an individual design..

July 18, 2004

Travel Photography Forum

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:57 pm

From mails and guest book entries, it is clear that many of the people visiting this site are fellow-photographers.
So, why not talk directly to each other?
I created a “yahoo club” for travel photography back in 1998 and this group now has more than 2000 members.
So, if you want to ask for advice, discuss photo issues or post some photos to the group galleries, Travel Photo Forum might be of interest to you.

Hope to see you there!


July 16, 2004

Palermo: Cathedral

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:26 am

The Cathedral of Palermo in the blue hour
The Cathedral of Palermo at night

July 14, 2004

Travel Photography Webring

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:52 pm

I hope that you like my site. There’s this photo log, the country galleries, the guest gallery and also the thematic galleries at Online Photo Galleries.

Still, there are many other photo sites that have equally good - or even better - pictures.
How do you get there?
I have linked to some of the sites I like myself and of course, there always are search engines like Google.

Another Option is Webrings. A webring combines different sites on a given subject matter, using a simple navigation system. It’s up to the ring manager to decide which sites to accept, but ideally you’ll have a chance to easily follow a way through many high-quality pages.
One ring I manage is Travel Photo Webring, another one I would recommend is Photography and Travel by my friend Ralf Büschges.
Some more rings I maintain.

Try this - I hope you’ll have a your fascinating virtual journey !
However, if you should find a break in the navigation of one of my rings - or a site that really doesn’t belong there: please tell me! I make a point of visiting the member sites myself from time to time, but it may take a while to check out thousands of pages…


July 12, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 5:27 am

Stromboli, Sicily
This volcano is still active.

July 11, 2004

Small shop on Lipari

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:40 am

small shop selling fruit and vegetables

Lìpari is one of the so-called Aeolian Islands to the North of Sicily. Many tourists visit this island - but it is still possible to wander through small streets and discover fascinating views.

July 10, 2004

Photos from Scotland

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:34 pm


You find photos from Edinburgh, Dundee, Glasgow ans St. Andrews over
at the main gallery.

July 9, 2004

Pictures from South Africa

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:15 pm

You find pictures from my trip to Cape Town and the Garden Route at the Country Galleries:

Africa: pictures of the Western Cape and the Garden Route
Africa I

Cape Region: Cape Town, Lion Head, Table
Mountain, Wine Lands, dassies and penguins.
Africa II

Cape Region / Garden Route: Kogel Bay, Mossel Bay, museum village,
"Little Karoo", Prince Albert, Fynbos (proteas), Swartberg
Africa III

Garden Route and National Parks:Cango Caves (near Oudtshooorn),
Ostriches and "Addo Elephant Park"

July 7, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 5:47 pm

Mosque of Cordoba
Another view of the famous mosque of Cordoba.

July 6, 2004

Chapel in the Altiplano

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:17 pm

Stone Cross in the Altiplano, Chile
Some of my visitors may have come across my image “Stone Cross
in the Altiplano
Here is a shot that shows the surroundings of that picture.

July 5, 2004

Sri-Lanka Pictures

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:31 pm

Pictures from Sri Lanka
Buddha statues in Dambulla.
You find pictures from Sri Lanka at the main photo gallery.

July 4, 2004

Photos from France

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:36 pm

You find some pictures
from France
over at the main site.
Currently, there are pictures from Paris and Southern France.
You can see a slightly unusual shot of the Pyramid at the Louvre, Notre Dame de Paris, the fountain at the Louvre by Niki de Saint Phalle, the Seine, the Bois de Boulogne, fields at dawn in the Gascogne, an old castle, market dayin Tolouse,a monastery, parks, old houses

more photos still waiting to be scanned…


July 3, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 2:05 am

Pictures from Tunisia (Tozeur, Nafta, the great Salt Lake, Douz) are available at the country galleries:


Photos from Tunisia
2.jpg 10.jpg 15.jpg image3.jpg image1.jpg

Travel Photo Net -
Travel Photography Online, by Laurenz Bobke

July 2, 2004

‘Sprinklers Throughout Building’

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:26 pm

Mermaid in Ney York
Statue in front of an antiques shop in New York. Obviously, the sprinklers do not come to the rescue of the fish.

July 1, 2004

Palermo: Statue in the Park

Filed under: — site admin @ 12:59 am

statue of a woman
A statue in the botanical Garden of Palermo.

June 30, 2004

Guest Photographers

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:39 pm

There are quite a few new photos in the Guest Photographers section of Travelphoto Net.
So far, 60 guests have contributed pictures from 40 countries.

June 29, 2004

Plenty of Fish

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:22 pm

Fish in the Red Sea
The Red Sea is a paradise for scuba divers. Unfortunately, I didn’t have an under-water camera with me there.
However, even from dry land, you could see swarms of colourful fish, like the one in the picture.

June 27, 2004

Cathedral, Montreal

Filed under: — site admin @ 2:37 pm

Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde, Montréal.

June 26, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 8:23 pm

Koh Samui: Beach
The Beach of Koh Samui, Thailand.

June 25, 2004

Egypt: old and new

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:24 pm

A guide explains an antique mural.

June 24, 2004

Flat Iron Building

Filed under: — site admin @ 3:14 pm

Flat Iron Building
One of the most unusual sky-scrapers, the Flat Iron Building in New York.

June 23, 2004

New York from above

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:18 am

New York from the Empire State Building
Highly recommended: visiting the Empire State Building in the early evening.
The shadow of the Empire State Building itself is visible on the left hand side.

June 21, 2004

Fumes and mist over the volcano

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:53 pm

Volcano Poás, Costa Rica.
Fumes and mist hide the crater, - but the surreal atmosphere makes up for it.

June 20, 2004

Volcano Poas (Costa Rica)

Filed under: — site admin @ 10:05 pm

Volcano Poas, Costa Rica, Central America

Quite close to San José, volcano Poás is still active - and an impressive place.

June 19, 2004

Small market in Bangkok

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:43 pm

Bangkok: market in the evening light.
A small market in the streets of Bangkok.

June 18, 2004

The Streets of San Andrés

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:09 am

Normal street life on San Andrés, a pleasant island far removed from the Colombian mainland.

Rain on The Market

Filed under: — site admin @ 4:59 am

A rainy day in Managua (Nicaragua).

June 15, 2004

Greece: Blue Sea

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:04 am

sun filters through clouds over the sea
View from the castle of Rethymnon (Crete, Greece).

June 13, 2004

Chinese Characters

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:52 am

When migrating my data from a different software and domain, I found plenty of beautiful Chinese characters in the post. Wouldn’t know how to produce these on my keyboard:

This Photo Log

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:13 am

Whoever may venture here: I’m just in the process of converting my German Movable Type Photolog to an English Version using Wordpress.

So, if you see any German texts or Chinese characters (no ideas where those came from) please don’t worry. Translation should be finished soon and then, I’ll also take care of the layout.
Meanwhile: enjoy the photos!

June 12, 2004

Greece: Inside the Fortress of Rethymnon

Filed under: — site admin @ 6:57 pm

The Venetian fortress was originally built to defend the city agains the Turks, but nowadays you find many Turkish buildings inside it.

June 11, 2004

Sicily - Taormina: Greek Theatre

Filed under: — site admin @ 3:11 pm

As the name suggests, the Greek theatre was originally a Greek construction, but later changed by the Romans.
The Romans built the brick wall that now obstructs mosts of the view of
Mount Etna.
Still, it’s a marvellous atmosphere! The theatre is still used, today.

Another view of Taormina from the Greek Theatre.

June 4, 2004

Evening over lake pokhara (nepal)

Filed under: — site admin @ 10:24 pm

Pictures from Nepal
You find pictures from Nepal at my main photo galleries.

May 15, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 10:34 pm

You find pictures from Australia over at the main site:

Australia I: the 'red heart', Ayer's rock, Alice Springs; kangaroo, sun  bird   Australia

Sydney: Sydney Opera
House; Skyline; Sydney Harbour Bridge
The Red Heart: Ulara; Ayer’s Rock;
Alice Springs
Kuranda: Grass; "Sun bird"
 Australia II: Katherine gorge; outback, Mataranka springs; bats; crocodiles; snake; aboriginal art; Kakadu National Park   Australia

North of the Centre: Katherine river;
Kookaburra; bats at Mataranka; Cooinda: birdlife;
Salt water crocodiles in the Adelaide river; Kakadu
National Park; traditional aboriginal drawings, snake.
 Australia III: Kakadu National park: lovers under a cross; Darwin; evening sun   Australia

Kakadu National Park: bush fire;
lovers under a stone cross;
Darwin: in a pub; trees; "outdoor"
painting; sunset

pictures (by other photographers) at the guest
. If you have beautiful pictures of your own,
why not
submit them?



February 28, 2004

Palace of Fine Arts

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:45 am

Somewhat anachronistic - and one of the most romatic spots in San Francisco.

February 5, 2004

Pictures from Northern

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:13 pm

Travel pictures from Northern Spain at the main gallery.

pictures from Northern spain

January 31, 2004

Images of Asia: Japan.

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:05 pm

I’m going to post some pictures from Japan in this Weblog, in addition to this, here’s my Japan photo gallery .

January 25, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 7:58 am

Great Wall, China
Hundreds of photos from China at China.Travelphoto.Net
There are many pictures of Beijing, the Great wall, Xi’An and the famous three gorges.

January 23, 2004

About this Weblog

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:24 am

I already have several websites with photo galleries - so why create an additional Photolog.
Scanning a large number of photos from a trip and designing a photo gallery takes lots of time and I already have a large “backlog” of unscanned photos.
Also, often, there are interesting photo news, tips and tricks that do not really fit on the main website.
Weblog technology does not help with the scanning, but makes it very easy to quickly publish a photo or a short article.
Also, this format is perfect for individual contributions - even without any further context.

Now, have fun!



Travel Photo Net | Africa | Asia | Australia | Europe | Americas | Guests | Photo-Tips | Feedback


All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke. Copyright for the photos on the Outstanding Travel Photos blog: the individual photographer
Republication only with my written permission, and only with proper credit (including a link back to this site if shown on the web).

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