A Photo a Day

Photos from Egypt.

January 28, 2007

Inner sanctuary, Abu Simbel

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:44 pm

When I last visited Anu Simbel in 2004, it was imposible to take photos of the inner sanctuary.
Fortunately, I had already done so 12 years earlier.
In the sanctuary there four seated statues of Amun, Ra-Harakhty, Ptah, and Ramesses.
The temple was constructed in such a way that the sun shines directly on 3 of the statues during two days of the year only the statue of Ptah - the god of darkness - remains in the shadow.
More pictures from Abu Simbel.

November 16, 2005

Dance Group

Filed under: — site admin @ 11:13 pm

Egyptian Dance Group
An Egyptian Dance Group in Aswan, 1992.

June 29, 2004

Plenty of Fish

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:22 pm

Fish in the Red Sea
The Red Sea is a paradise for scuba divers. Unfortunately, I didn’t have an under-water camera with me there.
However, even from dry land, you could see swarms of colourful fish, like the one in the picture.

June 25, 2004

Egypt: old and new

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:24 pm

A guide explains an antique mural.

June 6, 2004

Egypt: dates are nice

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 7:21 am

picking dates in a palm tree
… but I wouldn’t risk this for any sweet!

May 30, 2004

Egypt: the Camels of Dahab

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:43 am

Very quiet: dromedaries are waiting for tourists.

Portrait of a dromedary

waiting dromedaries, Dahab, Egypt

waiting dromedaries, Dahab, (Red Sea, Egypt

May 14, 2004

Egypt: ship wrecks

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 3:25 pm

ship wrecks in Aswan, Egypt
This is very close to the small temple in the last image.

May 13, 2004

Egypt: small temple.

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 7:15 pm

temple near Aswan, Egypt
my slides, I exactly remember a place but not its name.
Where did I come across this small temple? it must have been near Aswan (Egypt) and the head of Hathor is clearly visible on the left. Maybe it was on Bigga island. So, if anyone here knows the answer, please tell me!

April 29, 2004

Egypt: Echnaton

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:37 pm

bust of Echnaton, Luxor museum
The head of the most controversial pharaoh in Egyptian history.
Even though the museum of Luxor is much smaller than the one in Cairo, I’d prefer it any time.
The arrangement of the pieces and the almost perfect lighting create an almost mystical atmosphere.

April 9, 2004

Egypt: an evening in Aswan.

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 6:27 pm


I rented a Braun slide scanner that is able to scan up to 100 slides in one go. This could be the perfect solution for me - I have thousands of unscanned slides.
Unfortunately, although this is a very good idea, the scanner itself still leaves a lot to be desired. Colours are fairly neutral, but very often, it will not correctly detect the format of a picture and try to scan a “portrait” as a “landscape” or vice versa.. It’s also quite fond of simply cutting of parts of dark pictures. A nightmare for night photographers.
Having said that, I was able to scan quite a few pictures, so the future of these pages is not in doubt.

April 6, 2004

Egypt: evening light on the Nile

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 7:08 pm

Sunset in Egypt - a monochromatic picture
The wet sand banks glisten like gold in the setting sun.


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All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke. Copyright for the photos on the Outstanding Travel Photos blog: the individual photographer
Republication only with my written permission, and only with proper credit (including a link back to this site if shown on the web).

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