A Photo a Day

March 21, 2009

Spring - at last

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:25 pm

The first flowers have already been out for a while, but there also are some clear indications that spring has come to Wiesbaden’s “Fasanerie”, a small zoo specialising in domestic animals:
goat enjoying the sun
The goats are enjoying the first rays of spring

sleepy bear
The bears are out - although they are a bit sleepy still

Love is in the air among the wolves

March 16, 2007


Filed under: — site admin @ 9:55 pm


Here you can see the typical small tuft of black hair on the ears of the lynx.
This is easily the biggest cat species in central Europe and a very impressive sight.


Another typical feature of the Lynx is its short, stubby tail.
Again, these pictures were taken at the “Fasanerie” in Wiesbaden, Germany.

March 11, 2007

A day at the “Fasanerie”, Wiesbaden

Filed under: — site admin @ 10:39 pm




The “Fasanerie” in Wiesbaden is home to animals that used to live in the region such as the Wisent (a form of buffalo), wolves and even some bears.

more photos taken at the “Fasanerie”, Wiesbaden: racoon, young foxes.
more photos from Wiesbaden at A Photo a Day.
I also have a special site only showing photos from Wiesbaden.
More about Wiesbaden:
Official website of the city
The salient facts at Wikipedia.

September 23, 2006

Cute Prisoner

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 9:24 pm

Hungry Prisoner, originally uploaded by laurenz.

A racoon in Wiesbaden’s “Fasanerie” is begging for food.

May 28, 2006

Young foxes

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:31 pm



Today, I visited the “Fasanerie” a small zoo in Wiesbaden specialising in local animals.
There now are many young animals, but especially the young foxes were everybody’s darlings.


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All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke. Copyright for the photos on the Outstanding Travel Photos blog: the individual photographer
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