A Photo a Day

pictures from Poland

August 28, 2009

Securely locked?

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A piece of red thread “secures” the door of the last cabin in the train from Gdansk to Szczecin, in Poland.
More pictures from Poland

August 21, 2009

Baltic Sea and Beach

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Hel Peninsula, Poland.
Baech in Poland

August 19, 2009

Cathedral in Frombork

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The cathedral is the place where Nicolaus Copernicus worked and made many of his observations.
His grave also was recently discovered inside this church.

August 18, 2009

Dancing House

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Dancing house in Sopot
The famous dancing house in Sopot - a cousin of “Ginger and Fred” in Prague?

August 17, 2009

Shakespeare in Gdansk

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The bard is always up to date and even has a web site and a festival in Poland:
Shakespeare banner in Gdansk


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