A Photo a Day

January 28, 2007

Inner sanctuary, Abu Simbel

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:44 pm

When I last visited Anu Simbel in 2004, it was imposible to take photos of the inner sanctuary.
Fortunately, I had already done so 12 years earlier.
In the sanctuary there four seated statues of Amun, Ra-Harakhty, Ptah, and Ramesses.
The temple was constructed in such a way that the sun shines directly on 3 of the statues during two days of the year only the statue of Ptah - the god of darkness - remains in the shadow.
More pictures from Abu Simbel.

One Response to “Inner sanctuary, Abu Simbel”

  1. Robermar Says:

    Very impressive the way they have constructed the temple.

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