A Photo a Day

September 16, 2010

Mainz at night

Filed under: — site admin @ 1:07 pm

Seen from Wiesbaden.

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Chihuly: Arts & the Law

Strange Flower: Chilhuly in Miami, originally uploaded by laurenz When I visited the Chihuly exposition in Miami's Fairchild garden, I thought to myself: "no way that one man can do all this on his own", and it seems Chihuly has a number of other expositions going on at the same time. It turns out that Chihuly has not blown glass for a long time, but is responsible for the artistic design. Which brings us to an interesting law case, with Chihuly attempting to assert a copyright on "his" style of glass art and an assistant claiming co-authorship of several of the pieces. Lots of interesting ...

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