A Photo a Day

August 29, 2005

Oscar Wilde in a Dublin Park

Filed under: — lbobke @ 11:32 pm

Statue of Oscar Wilde in Dublin's Archbishop Ryan Park

For some reason, this relatively small country has produced many literary giants, including 4 Noble price winners.
The one author that is most often associated with Ireland is James Joyce (”Dubliners”, “Ulysses”, “Finnegan’s Wake”) and “Bloomsday” (16 June) celebrating the adventures of Leopold Bloom (the main character in “Ulysses”) in Dublin is a sort of National Holiday.
To name just a few of the other Irish classics:
Jonathan Swift, James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett,WB Yeats, Elizabeth Bowen, Bram Stoker (”Dracula”), Seamus Heaney, James Connolly, Oliver Goldsmith and modern author Brendan Behan.

One Response to “Oscar Wilde in a Dublin Park”

  1. Ready-Made Bouquet: the inspiration « Readymadebouquet Says:

    […] The quote in the header comes from none other than Oscar Wilde; the picture is of one of many columns etched with his quotes in the corner of Dublin’s Merrion Square Park, which is dedicated to Wilde and features a life-size full color statue. […]

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