A Photo a Day

July 31, 2005

Russian Church in Wiesbaden

Filed under: — site admin @ 1:06 pm

Wiesbaden: Russian Church, originally uploaded by laurenz.

in Wiesbaden itself, this building is universally known as “Griechische Kapelle” (Greek Chapel).
It was, however, built for Elisabeta Michailovna, the Russian wife of the grand Duke Adolf of Nassau.
There is an interesting small Russian graveyard nearby

July 29, 2005

Durga Puja

Filed under: — lbobke @ 10:40 pm

Durga Puja, Calcutta
Durga Puja is the most important religious festival in Calcutta. Idols are carried through the city, people dress up in costumes and dance and there is an incredible atmosphere…

July 27, 2005

Park Bench in Wiesbaden-Biebrich

Filed under: — lbobke @ 9:17 pm

Schlosspark, Wiesbaden-Biebrich

park bench in Wiesbaden

A park bench in the Schlosspark (”palace gardens”) belonging to the Grand Ducal palais in Wiesbaden Biebrich.
Across the pool is the “Moosburg“, a ruin that was built as an adornment of the park.

July 26, 2005

Medinet Habu

Filed under: — lbobke @ 9:08 pm

colourful paintings in Medinet Habu
Medinet Habu is the mortuary temple of pharaoh Ramesses III.
It is located on the west bank of the Nile, not too far away from the Colossi of Memnon.
For some reason, this fabulous temple is not on the agenda of most tourists who prefer to spend the time in Karnak, Luxor temple and the valley of the kings.
However, missing out on the vivid colours of this temple really would be a pity!

Medinet Habu
The pharaoh and some baboons worshipping the god of the sun.

Medinet Habu
In a great temple such as this, there always are some restoration works going on.
All photos taken with a Minolta Dynax 9 on Fujichrome Velvia.

July 25, 2005

Striped Shield Bug

Filed under: — lbobke @ 5:05 am

Graphosoma lineatum
A striped shiel bug sitting on a flower. Seen on a walk in Wiesbaden-Schierstein.
The scientific name of the animal: Graphosoma lineatum.
Incredible that it is possible to hand-hold such a shot with a tiny camera like the Lumix FX8…

July 24, 2005

Barcelona Harbour

Filed under: — lbobke @ 9:18 am

Barcelona Harbour
Barcelona harbour in the late afternoon. Minolta Dynax 9, Fujichrome Velvia.

July 22, 2005

Bad Homburg: Siamese Temple

Filed under: — lbobke @ 5:58 pm

Here’s another shot from Bad Homburg:
Siamese Temple, Bad Homburg
Another test shot with my Lumix.
Quite nice, good colours and resolution, but I don’t really care for the blown out white of the bright parts of the roof…
By the way, I already underexposed by 1/3 (0.33 EV).

July 20, 2005

Bad Homburg

Filed under: — lbobke @ 9:56 pm

Today, I had a few minutes time to explore the “Kurpark” (”Spa park”) of Bad Homburg and have a look at the sculpture exhibition currently taking place there:

The Russian chapel, a small orthodox church

The “Thai Sala” a Siamese Temple in German park…
The modern plastic “tent” in the foreground was an attraction for quite a few children who were inside when I took this image.

All pictures taken with my new small Panasonic Lumix FX8 camera.

July 18, 2005

New toy - a Lumix FX8

Filed under: — lbobke @ 5:28 am

While I’m not going to really give up analogue photography any time soon, I also wanted to have a small digital camera to always carry with me.
So I got a Panasonic Lumix FX8.
Here are some shots I took with it:
Steiff Bear in Wiesbaden
A giant Steiff Bear (about 2 metres tall) in Wiesbaden

bumblebee shot with the macro function
I can get much closer to an object than with my current SLR and the image stabilizer of the tiny camera works quite well.
(No tripod used)

Luisenplatz, Wiesbaden
When it comes to dark objects in front of a bright sky, my SLR combined with Fuji Velvia works much better…

July 14, 2005

Felucca on the Nile

Filed under: — lbobke @ 9:06 am

Felucca in Aswan
A Felucca cruising the Nile at Aswan.

July 13, 2005

Sunrise Kakadu National Park

Filed under: — lbobke @ 7:38 pm

Sunrise in Kakadu National Park
The sun rises over the marshes in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territories, Australia.

July 12, 2005

Yet another blog

Filed under: — lbobke @ 7:50 pm

I already mentioned that I have founded a travel photo group on Flickr.
I also have another group, “Outstanding Travel Photos” where only the very best travel pictures are posted.
Now, I have added a blog for the group.
I think this is definitely worth a visit!

July 11, 2005

Sunrise in Kakadu Naional Park I

Filed under: — lbobke @ 7:48 pm

Sunrise in Kakadu National Park
The sun rises in Kakadu National Park.

July 9, 2005

Scottish Reindeer

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:09 am

Reindeer in the Cairngorms National Park

July 7, 2005


Filed under: — lbobke @ 8:54 am

Balloons at the Theatrium festival in Wiesbaden
Balloons at the Theatrium festival in Wiesbaden, 2005.

July 5, 2005

Rubber Giraffe

Filed under: — lbobke @ 9:50 pm

The Theatrium is a yearly festivity in Wiesbaden. It started as a small celebration by the state theatre, but now is quite a big affair with many music groups, artisans and international food stalls.
The giant rubber giraffe was part of a playground set aside for the younger visitors.

July 4, 2005

Rethymnon Museum I

Filed under: — lbobke @ 9:02 am

Vase in the Rethymnon Museum
A small vase in the museum of Rethymnon (Crete, Greece)

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All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke.
Republication only with my written permission, and only with proper credit (including a link back to this site if shown on the web).

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