A Photo a Day

February 3, 2004

Japanese Tea Ceremony

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:00 pm

Geisha conducting a tea Ceremony Kyoto, Japan
What is the real purpose of the Tea Ceremony? Philosophy? Zen? The perfect cup of tea?
Well, I would guess that, today, the answer is simple: money.
The event no longer takes place in a small garden house but in theatre-style halls.
Even so, one shouldn’t miss the opportunity to attend such a ceremony. It’s beautiful.
And you even can take photographs, which would not exactly be compatible with the traditions of Cha-Do - the way of tea.

3 Responses to “Japanese Tea Ceremony”

  1. Pyrkanthos Says:

    The lady in the picture is peforming ‘tea for a Western room,’ a ceremony devised in the late 1800s. That’s amazing equipment she’s got. But for most practitioners of tea, it is still done in a small room, four and a half mats or so, and is about the study. What you was was spectacular, but a ‘demonstration’ by someone of high standing and rank in a theatrical art. Kind of like a movie start making spaghetti in a designer kitchen on TV. Interesting, but not the way most of us do it.

  2. Laurenz Says:


    thanks for the information! What you say is certainly true and I was aware of the fact that this was more of a theatrical event than a genuine tea ceremony.
    On the other hand, in a real tea ceremony, you would normally not have the opportunity to take pictures - let alone using fill-flash!


  3. jordan Says:

    ahahaha cool stuff

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