Braun Multimag 3600 slide scan
I have waited for such a scanner for a long time: wouldn’t it be handy if you could feed your scanner whole trays of slides and let it scan while you do something else.
How much time could this save us? And what an elegant way of saving all ones pictures on a digital medium.
Now, Braun and Reflecta offer such a scanner that actually looks very much like a slide projector - not really surprising considering Braun’s expertise in this sector.
Tests were mixed however and there seems to be a difference between the Braun and Reflecta scanners - although they are the same model! This obviously has to do with the software (Braun comes with Silverfast) and the drivers.
One test in a German photo mag was quite encouraging: although the Braun was not in the absolute top (Minolta took the top spot for scan quality) its scans were classified as good.
If you consider the time you spend staring at your monitor when scanning, the small difference in quality may not be worth it.
Don’t know yet whether I’ll buy this one though. It may be wiser to wait for the next (improved) version - after all this is the very first scanner of its kind.