A Photo a Day

June 18, 2007

A Day at the Zoo

Filed under: — site admin @ 10:12 am


The Suricates or Meerkats (German: “Erdmännchen”) are everybody’s darlings…


The Marabou Stork may not be among nature’s most beautiful photo models, but it’s fascinating to watch and seems to be quite intelligent…
A nice day to relax on the lawn…

I took all these photos (and many more) at the Opel Zoo in Kronberg, not too far away from Frankfurt (Germany).

4 Responses to “A Day at the Zoo”

  1. harriett & chloe Says:

    they are so cute

  2. lucie walds Says:

    aww so cute..htey really are!

  3. ielf.de Says:

    Nice meerkat, so cute!

  4. kalaniebest Says:

    they do not like to be eaten

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