A Photo a Day

August 24, 2006

Japanese Theatre: “Kyougen play”

Filed under: — laurenzb @ 12:07 am

Japanese Theatre, originally uploaded by laurenz.

This is a scene from a funny “Kyougen” play: distrusting his servants, the a master binds them before leaving the house.
However, even bound, they find a way to get to the master’s sake provisions and drink from it.

Gion Corner in Kyoto presents short snippets of Japanese arts including various styles of theatre, the tea ceremony and the art of flower arrangement.
All this is quite touristy, but still fun and a good way to get some fascinating shots (you can even use flash throghout the performance).

2 Responses to “Japanese Theatre: “Kyougen play””

  1. ostrix Says:

    This is really funny! I was trying to understand what was going on in this picture before reading the description )) I love these pictures, good work!

  2. cutiepie Says:

    that’s pretty cool, and interesting.

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