A Photo a Day

January 30, 2004

Malta: Dramatic Silhouettes

Actually, it is quite easy to take pictures of dramatic silhouettes: you shoot into the sun, metering on a lighter part of the sky. Consequently, the foreground will be dark or even black.
Getting the exposure right is pretty simple with spot metering (if your camera has this option).
Still bracketing (taking pictures with different exposures) is highly recommended, - at least when you are using slide film.
Sometimes, you want to have a nice silhouette in the centre or background, but would like to show the details in the foreground. In this case, it is advisable to use the above technique combined with a fill flash.
Here is an example, the Ggantija Temple on Gozo (Malta). The place is 6000 years old!
Other pictures I took showed much more detail but failed to capture the magic atmosphere.

Ggantija Tempel, Gozo, Malta

Other examples: Sunset in Glasgow or sunrise in the Himalayas.

More photo-tips.

One Response to “Malta: Dramatic Silhouettes”

  1. soniar Says:

    Thanks for the explanation. Very useful.

    Very nice scene.

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