A Photo a Day

April 25, 2005

Statue in the Egyptian museum

Filed under: — lbobke @ 8:42 pm

Statue in the Luxor museum

Museum reflections

How to take pictures when you are in a fascinating museum where only the bare minimum of light falls on the archaeological treasures, - achieving a truly mystical atmosphere?
Normally, I’d just use my tripod, - but this was forbidden as was the flash.
My only “high-speed” film was a 100 ASA Fuji Provia (I usually use 50 ASA Velvia).
So I was a bit apprehensive when I unfolded the small reflector I bought for portraits - sure enough, the wardens looked uneasy, but this was not expressly forbidden, - so I could shine at least a little bit more golden (or silvery, depending on the side of the reflector used) light on the pieces I found most interesting.
It sure seems to have worked!

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