A Photo a Day

April 25, 2010


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the sun shines through a young leaf in Ritsurin garden

another impression from Ritsurin garden.

Ritsurin Garden

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in Takamatsu (Shikoku):
one of the most beautiful parks in Japan

April 24, 2010

Dogs in a shop

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puppy in Himeji

another young dog in the same shop

There were quite a few puppies in this shop in Himeji, near the famous castle, every one in its own small plastic box, looking outside.
Of course I wish that every one finds a nice home and a good owner, but isn’t it a pity that such shops can make money this way?

View from the Castle

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:15 pm

This picture is the view one has from the top level of Kochi castle.
The castle was never actually attacked.

April 23, 2010

On the move - sometimes it needs a little push

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:17 pm

This historic train in Matsuyama (Shikoku) had to be shifted to the neighbouring track in order to make room for the arriving streetcar.
Obviously, it was easier to move by muscle power than to attach the (also historic locomative) and let it leave under its own power.
I saw the same train in action though, a bit later.
the tram arrives

More pictures:
three men moving one train car



April 22, 2010

Stairs to the top - Miyajima

Filed under: — site admin @ 7:54 am

The easy way to get to the top of the mountain offering a beautiful view of small islands and the coast is, of course, the ropeway.
However, if you take a return, you are missing out on many scenic spots and small mountain temples.
In this little temple hundreds of small Buddha statues line the way.

April 21, 2010

Miyajima revisited

Filed under: — site admin @ 10:23 pm

many years ago, I took a shot of the famous floating Tori at low tide.

Now I visited again at high tide.dsc05556-miyajima.jpg

April 12, 2010


Filed under: — site admin @ 7:19 pm

Impressions from an Ikebana exhibition in Meiji Jingu:

Japanese Flower arrangement

Fruits can be included too

Ikebana at Meiji Jingu

Ikebana at Meiji Jingu

April 11, 2010

Rest in Peace, Turtle

Filed under: — site admin @ 9:09 pm

Seen in Kamakuras Haze Dera temple.

April 10, 2010

Great Buddha at Kamakura

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Great Buddha statue (headshot)


The great Buddha statue in Kamakura is among Japans best known attractions.
Although the huge structure seems quite compact, it is actually hollow and visitors are actually admitted to enter inside.
Not really photogenic, but quite an experience nevertheless.
Below, you see a shot taken upwards, the black whole wolud be where the neck joins the torso.
Inside the Buddha statue

April 9, 2010

Megurogawa Sakura Matsuri in Nakameguro

Filed under: — site admin @ 4:37 pm

Lampions decorate both sides of Megurogawa river in Nakameguro, Tokyo (Japan):

Megurogawa river, Tokyo

Cherry blossoms in Nakameguro (more…)

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