The Rhine at Biebrich
The weather was cold - but beautiful - and a good chance to try out my new toy, a Sigma 15-30 mm wide-angle lens…
(Minolta Maxxum 9, Fujichrome Velvia 100).
The weather was cold - but beautiful - and a good chance to try out my new toy, a Sigma 15-30 mm wide-angle lens…
(Minolta Maxxum 9, Fujichrome Velvia 100).
A white llama and a black dog are looking into the Colca Canyon (near Arequipa).
I took this photo on one of those big revolving balls made of granite - the somewhat ghostly appearance comes from the structure of the stone.
Otherwise, this is just a normal street scene on a beautiful winter day in Wiesbaden, Germany.
More photos from the same occasion on a special site I dedicated to my hometown Wiesbaden.
The official page of the city.
Facts about Wiesbaden at Wikipedia
A great place to see some birdlife - and lots of water after the desert: Cooinda in the Northern Territory.
Temple restoration works in Bangkok, Thailand.
Taken with a small point and shoot camera on Agfa film.
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