A Photo a Day

September 27, 2004

Street scene in Guatemala

Filed under: — site admin @ 5:13 am

Maya culture still is very much alive around Lago Atitlan (Guatemala).

September 26, 2004


Filed under: — site admin @ 3:39 pm

In addition to the country sections, there also are some thematic categories.
You will find the same pictures by browsibg through all countries, but
if you are interested in a certain subject (e.g. "night photography")
you can retrieve the respective photos with one click.

Please note that one photo may occur in several categories (e.g. under
"architecture" and "religions".


pictures of animals: camels, cats, parrots, a monkey…


the cathedral of Palermo, the Mezquita (mosque) of Córdoba, the lion yard in Granada, a church in the altiplano, Greek temples, the pyramid at the Louvre, the Golden Gate Bridge and much more…


various pieces of art from ancient Egypt to modern pop art.


Syracuse (Sicily) and New York’s Greenwich Village at night, Granada
seen from the famous Alhambra.


the Maya temples of Copán (Honduras), Buddhist statues, a peasant
returning from the field in Bali, Japanes theatre and a tea ceremony,
the ancient temples of Ggantija (Malta) and the Great wall in China.


a mountain brook in Japan, volcanoes, lakes and geysirs in Chile, parks
in Germany and on the Bahamas, the sea in Greece and Thailand, beaches,
mountains, woods….


available light photography from sunset until sunrise, and of course
the "blue hour"!
Most of the shots were taken on rather slow film (fuji Velvia) using a
tripod and a cable release.


just some of my favourite images.


people in various situations. a porter in Chonquing (China), a Japanese
Geisha, somebody fly-fishing imn kamakura (Japan)…


pictures showing aspects of various religions.
Also have a look at my "Religions
of the World Gallery


closely related to the night photography shots…

September 25, 2004

Photo Tips

Filed under: — site admin @ 8:32 am

I added a few new pages to my photo tips section:

  • Teleconverters (under “equipment“)
  • background matters
  • bracketing
  • promoting a photo page on the web (under building your own photo site)
  • I hope this helps! Feedback is always welcome…


    September 24, 2004

    Personal Favourites

    Filed under: — site admin @ 8:41 am

    You may have noticed that in addition to the country folders, I have added some thematic ones, so you can now look for sunsets, night photography or animals. Usually, these pictures will also be in the respective country galleries.
    There now also is a category “personal favourites” with some of the pictures I especially like myself.
    Have Fun!


    September 22, 2004

    Sunrise over rice paddies

    Filed under: — site admin @ 4:48 am

    It is a long night trip with the train between Bangkok and Koh Samui, but quite comfortable. When I woke in the early morning, a while before reaching Suratthani, I was amazed to see this view of a sunrise over rice paddies.

    September 18, 2004

    Evening Ship

    Filed under: — site admin @ 10:28 am

    Brooklyn in the evening
    A feryy boat in front of Brooklyn in the evening.

    September 16, 2004


    Filed under: — site admin @ 4:50 am

    Granada (Andalusia, Southern Spain)
    View over the Gardens of the Generalife, Granada (Southern Spain)

    September 15, 2004

    New Guest Photos

    Filed under: — site admin @ 6:48 pm

    The newest additions to my guet galleries: A whole new gallery for Scotland and new pictures in the India and United States II galleries.
    The new images have been contributed by Dave Christopher, Bhaskar Karambelkar and Alan Ingram.

    The guest gallery currently has photos from Australia, Bolivia, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Kalahari, Laos, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nepal, Peru, Scotland, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, the United States and Vietnam.

    I find it fascinating to see the various countries from different angles!


    September 14, 2004

    How to build a photo page on the web

    Filed under: — site admin @ 9:44 pm

    I have started a section on building your own photo site in my photo tips.
    The first short articles are supposed to help future webmasters decide what type of page they want to have (web gallery? photo-log? a personal domain?), how to plan the site and what to consider when actually designing it.
    Maybe, I’ll add something on promoting a photo-page lateron.
    If you find this helpful and actually put up a site: please dont forget to link to Travelphoto NET! ;-)

    September 11, 2004

    Aikido Training

    Filed under: — site admin @ 10:19 pm

    A photo from the Aikido training in Wiesbaden, Germany. More Aikido-photos at Online Photo Galleries.

    September 9, 2004

    Japanese Snacks

    Filed under: — site admin @ 8:55 pm

    Very tasty, and also quite decorative.
    Seen in Kyoto, Japan.

    September 8, 2004

    Atacama Giant

    Filed under: — site admin @ 7:49 pm

    In the Peruvian and Chilean desert, there are numerous, gigantic drawings made by carefully moving aside the dark pebbles thereby exposing the brighter soil underneath.
    The most famous examples of this technique are the so-called “geoglyphs” in Nazca Peru.
    As the area is mostly flat, these can only be appreciated from a plane!
    Did their builders already have the technology to take to air either with a balloon as some believe or even using alien technology as others imply? Or were the images only supposed to be seen by the gods or shamans who could “leave their body” in a state of trance to “fly” over them?
    (Personally, I wonder why the drawings are often very crude - if they were produced by aliens capable of interstella travel, it must have been their pre-school children who drew them!).
    A slightly less famous (and less enigmatic) specimen is the so-called “Atacama Giant” in the Chilean Atacama desert: this figure is 115 m tall, but can be viewed quite well without leaving the ground as it takes up the slope of a hill.
    If the photos fom my Peru travel turn out well, I may be able to post pictures of the Nazca lines as well, - which actually are quite different in style.
    Atacama Giant, Atacam desert, Chile

    New Design for European Gallery

    Filed under: — site admin @ 7:17 pm

    I’m currently redesigning the Europe section of Travelphoto Net to

  • include links to countries covered in this photo log
  • generally facilitate navigation
  • switch the code to modern standards
  • The result will not look too different from today - but hopefully be better.
    If things work out as intended, I’ll do the same to the other continents.
    Of course, I’d be grateful for feedback! Do you like the layout? Is it easy to navigate? Do you find any errors/problems? Please let me know!

    PS: under photo-tips there’s now an article on the right camera for travel photography.

    September 7, 2004


    Filed under: — site admin @ 4:38 am

    Advertisement of a cinema in Montreal, Canada. Note the typical mixture of French and English…

    September 6, 2004


    Filed under: — site admin @ 4:25 am

    Another Maya figure in Copán (Honduras)

    September 4, 2004

    Salt Lake in the Chilean Altiplano

    Filed under: — site admin @ 10:49 pm

    Salar de Surire, Chile
    Another picture from the Salar de Surire in Northern Chile.

    September 3, 2004


    Filed under: — site admin @ 4:48 pm

    Azulejos in Fuengirola, Andalusia (Southern Spain)
    The elaborate tiles are omnipresent in Southern Spain and Portugal: you find them as decorative elements on houes, but also as street sign, on park benches, in churches and many other likely and unlikely places.
    The plaza des España in Seville is full of them and even the “Torre del Oro” (Golden Tower) gets its colour from gilded azulejos!
    Usually, azulejos are mostly blue, as the name seems to indicate (azul=blue), but just about all other colours may be present as well.

    As to the origin of the name azulejo: although the connection to the Spanish word for “blue” seems obvious, experts come up with a different etymology - from Arabic “Al Zulai” meaning brick.
    Now, these tiles are neither completely blue nor bricks, but in any case truly photogenic!

    Back to Travel Photo Net

    All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke.
    Republication only with my written permission, and only with proper credit (including a link back to this site if shown on the web).

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