A Photo a Day

April 30, 2004

Andalusia: Lion yard

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 7:59 pm

Alhambra, Granada, Southern Spain
The famous lion yard in Granada

April 29, 2004

Egypt: Echnaton

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:37 pm

bust of Echnaton, Luxor museum
The head of the most controversial pharaoh in Egyptian history.
Even though the museum of Luxor is much smaller than the one in Cairo, I’d prefer it any time.
The arrangement of the pieces and the almost perfect lighting create an almost mystical atmosphere.

April 28, 2004

Greece: monastery cats

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 9:44 pm

sehr gem?: junge K?chen auf einem Stuhl
Seen in Agia Triáda, Akrotiri, Crete.

April 26, 2004

Chile: church in the Altiplano

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:19 pm

Andean church, Chile
Church in the Chilean table lands.

April 25, 2004

Chile: kissing tanks?

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 6:38 pm

rusty tank in Arica
The rusty remains of tank in Arica (Chile).

April 24, 2004

Thailand: evening light on Koh Samui

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:05 am

boulders in the setting sun

Beach of Koh Samui, Thailand

April 23, 2004

Colombia - San Andres: island in the ocean

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:38 pm

smal island
A small island seen from San Andres.

April 22, 2004

Sicily: Cefalú

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 5:19 am

Cefalu, Sicily
A few meters away from the tourist attractions.

April 21, 2004

Sicily: Tonnara die Scopello

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 11:16 pm

Tonnara die Scopello, (Sicily)
The “Tonnara di Scopello” is an old tuna factory that was closed down years ago.
Nowadays it’s a good place for a dive.

April 20, 2004

Greece: Bourtzi in the evening light

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 6:07 am

Nafpli: Bourtzi
Nafplio: Bourtzi fortress seen from the castle.

April 19, 2004

Greece - preparing for the Olympiad

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 6:11 am

Nafplio, Greece
When we visited Greece, many places were building sites, including the Acropolis.

April 18, 2004

Greece: an evening in Nafplio

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 7:34 pm

Bourtzi island and fortress
Nafplio: Harbour and the fortress of Bourtzi.

April 17, 2004

New York

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 8:20 pm

Brooklyn, seen from Manhattan
A slightly unusual view: Brooklyn seen from New York in the evening .

April 16, 2004

Honduras: Ruins in the Jungle.

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 7:14 pm

fascinating: Maya Ruins of Copán
The Maya temples of Copán are surrounded by jungle.

April 15, 2004

Costa Rica: relaxing in a tree

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 11:13 pm

Small monkey in a tree. Looks cute? Yes, but I saw one of those guys steal a whole bag full of tropical fruit from another traveler, so beware…

April 14, 2004

Honduras: welcome to Copán

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 9:53 pm

Cop? in Honduras
The skull may not look overly friendly, but the Maya-ruins are definitely worth a visit.

April 13, 2004

Thailand: Fishing Boats under Palms

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:24 pm

Fishing boats under palm trees, Koh Samui, Thailand
Seen on Koh Samui, Thailand.

April 12, 2004

Thailand: ship-wrecked?

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 9:30 am

boat on the baech

Sailing boat on Koh Samui.

April 11, 2004

Thailand: Bounty and Wisdom

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:02 am

Buddha Statue, Bangkok, Thailand
Untouched by the splendour of the ornaments, a stone Buddha sits in Bangkok, Thailand.

Using Filters

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 8:49 am

Usually, I’m very reluctant to use filters: polarization filters are very nice to eliminate or enhance reflections, make for a much more dramatic sky or saturated colours.
I sometimes use a neutral gray filter to reduce contrasts (the filter darkens the bright parts of the picture) and a UV filter may be handy in the mountains or at the seaside.
Colour Filters are something different altogether: even if you can change the colour of the sky to a beautiful blue, the rest of the photo will make clear that something is wrong.

Here’s one example, where I liked the effect of a tobacco filter:

Without Filter:

In this case, I prefer the mood with filter to the unfiltered original. It actually comes closer to what I saw on this rainy day in Blandy’s Garden, Madeira (Portugal)

Some photo tips.

April 9, 2004

Egypt: an evening in Aswan.

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 6:27 pm


I rented a Braun slide scanner that is able to scan up to 100 slides in one go. This could be the perfect solution for me - I have thousands of unscanned slides.
Unfortunately, although this is a very good idea, the scanner itself still leaves a lot to be desired. Colours are fairly neutral, but very often, it will not correctly detect the format of a picture and try to scan a “portrait” as a “landscape” or vice versa.. It’s also quite fond of simply cutting of parts of dark pictures. A nightmare for night photographers.
Having said that, I was able to scan quite a few pictures, so the future of these pages is not in doubt.

April 8, 2004

Rome: old window

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 9:46 pm

Rome: window
even though the building may be in bad repair, the flowers are quite attractive.

April 7, 2004

Rome: “Babington’s Tea House”

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 6:48 pm

British-Italian cultural exchange
Typically british? Maybe, however, this tea house is situated right beside the Spanish steps.

April 6, 2004

Egypt: evening light on the Nile

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 7:08 pm

Sunset in Egypt - a monochromatic picture
The wet sand banks glisten like gold in the setting sun.

April 4, 2004


Filed under: — Laurenz @ 10:43 pm

Island of Flowers

To think that it was spring time in December! Actually I spent a short X-mas holiday on madeira and some of the pictures can now be seen at Travelphoto.Net

I hope you like them!


April 3, 2004

Colombia: Beach of San Andrés

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 8:12 am

beach of San Andres
The island of San Andrés officially belongs to Colombia, but here you do not see anything of the problems often associated with this country.

April 2, 2004

Mexico: Teotihuacan

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 7:59 pm

Moon Pyramid, Teotihuacan, Mexico
The moon pyramid of the famous Teotihuacan temples (near Mexico City).

April 1, 2004

New York by Night

Filed under: — Laurenz @ 6:01 pm

no idea how many photos I've taken near Time Square at night...
New York by Night

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All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke.
Republication only with my written permission, and only with proper credit (including a link back to this site if shown on the web).

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