Outstanding Travel Photos

September 28, 2005

celebrating freedom

Filed under: — laurenz @ 6:10 am

celebrating freedom, originally uploaded by Tatiana Cardeal.

This ceremony is an old religious afro-dance to honour the catholics São Benedito (St Benedict, the Moor), who is the patron saint of the black people and the saint Nossa Senhora do Rosario dos Pretos (Our Lady of Rosary of the Blacks), who is the protector from the slaves.
The slaves used the public space of the churchs to be reorganized and to create ways to resist and preserve their native traditions, as their dances, the drums, African melodies, dresses, that could somehow keep their African cultural heritage alive.
Today, the Congada ritual is a elebration of freedom of the slaves libertation, and a expression of their devotion.
There is a “Terno de Moçambique” group dancing, with their symbolic sticks, the weapon to defend the saints. They use it to beat as a percussion and to the coreography. We were at the Festival of the Traditional São Paulo Culture, realized by Abaçaí Cultura e Arte - Social Organization Of Culture.


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