Outstanding Travel Photos

October 23, 2005

Gateway to hell

Gateway to hell, originally uploaded by hkvam “Námaskarð has very active solfataras (sulphurous mud springs) and fumaroles (steam springs), none of which contain pure water. The mud craters are uncommonly large and are well worthy of the travelers attention, whereas many of the steam craters are drilling holes that have been covered with rocks. There is no vegetation in this high temperature area and the ground is sterile and very acidic due to the effects of the fumes from the mud springs.”
Námaskarð geothermal area, Mývatn, N-Iceland
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm at 10mm.
ISO 100, f5.6, 1/50

September 3, 2005


Filed under: — laurenz @ 10:09 am

borgarnes, originally uploaded by hkvam.

View of Baula, Borgarfjörður, West Iceland

August 30, 2005


Filed under: — laurenz @ 1:13 pm

jellyfishclouds, originally uploaded by hkvam.

and the clouds started melting.
Skagaströnd, North Iceland


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