Outstanding Travel Photos

August 6, 2005

Pont de Bercy

Filed under: — laurenz @ 11:46 am

Pont de Bercy, originally uploaded by alterednate.

Pont de Bercy, Paris

July 21, 2005

Mont St. Michel - Reflecting Tides

Filed under: — laurenz @ 6:17 am

The photographer: “The tides roll in here like thunder - it’s quite magical.”

July 14, 2005

Lost Icon

Lost Icon, originally uploaded by alteredNate.

There had been a religious icon at the end of this columnade… however it was removed for unknown reasons.

This was taken in the Cathedral of Chartres, about an hour west of Paris.


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All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke. Copyright for the photos on the Outstanding Travel Photos blog: the individual photographer
Republication only with my written permission, and only with proper credit (including a link back to this site if shown on the web).

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