… after the rain …

… after the rain …, originally uploaded by idogu.
the photographer:
“.. I’m back from rush-hour on 5th Avenue …”
… after the rain …, originally uploaded by idogu.
the photographer:
“.. I’m back from rush-hour on 5th Avenue …”
The photographer: ” shot this with Fuji Velvia 50 and a 2-stop hard GND filter and scanned it with a Nikon Coolscan IV. No real “processing” other than to try and match the original slide. It was a stormy late afternoon and I was near Paoha Island out in Mono Lake looking west towards the Sierra crest. This was a multi-day mid-winter solo kayak trip. The water color in the shallows had a greenish tint but the deeper water was quite blue. Mono Lake is 3 times saltier than the ocean which is why it’s not frozen in winter.”
The photographer: “the scene was real; the effect is manipulated.
To achieve this effect I simply duplicated the layer and added a gaussian blur filter, then used a soft eraser in the center to reveal the lower layer. I also used the burn tool around the edges.”
Near Lake Sabrina
Amarillo, Texas
Taken with a Canon EOS 20D.
“Coming in after a tour of the lake. Why do they throw bottles at me?”
An approaching thunderstorm adds a dramatic feel to Devils Tower near sunset.
The photographer: “This is one of my all time favorites, the first photo I took that blew me away, opened my eyes to the possibilities before me.
Taken in February of last year in Yellowstone National Park. The scene was even more surreal than a still photo can do justice, with steam rolling over the rise, creating backlit shifting patterns and shrouding the trees from view completely. Then for a moment, just a tiny moment, it would clear and the scene would split in half - all color and light and pristine snow on one side and twisted, tortured trees & steaming algae covered rock on the other.
I was a newbie to my 10D, and SLR photography in general, and had goofy settings - 800 ISO among other ridiculousness - which makes this shot one I would desperately desire to “redo” although I doubt I could recreate this if I tried. I will say this: if you ever get the opportunity to visit Yellowstone in the winter, for the love of Pete take that opportunity and run with it. Algae & Ice was taken the same morning…
Uploaded by awfulsara on 12 Apr ‘05, 7.25pm CEST.”
“Sometime it pays to get up a bit early…..this was from my hotel room around 6:00 a.m. on a golden morning in Chicago this week…
Best viewed at the original size”
The photographer: “I was fortunate to be standing at this spot when the sun painted these low hanging clouds with several different colors just before it dropped below the horizon….
Just west of Krum, Texas, U.S.A…..”
The Photographer: “Photo taken from NYC on the Hudson looking at New Jersey at sunset.”
The photographer: No Photoshopping: This (as well as the other Stony Creek night photos, and ‘Getty’ and ‘Ghost Parking Lot’) was shot with Fuji Provia 100F (35mm). With the smoothed water that comes with a long exposure and the presence of a mix of artificial light types (each with a distinct color cast), the effect is amazing. The slides I got back look exactly like these posted images!”
The photographer: “Golden Gate, California, Day 7. My favourite bridge shot.”
Jeff says: “Grand Tetons, Wyoming, U.S.A. - Moulton Barn - July, 2003…the clouds parted just as I snapped the shot and I was pleasantly surprised to see the end result. Cloud movement is all luck….and I got lucky.
The “most favorited” photo in my Flickr photostream….and yes - those are bison.”
Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut)
The photographer comments: “Ahhh Bodie. What a PLAYGROUND! Amazing sunrise, blended exposure. Yum.”
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