Outstanding Travel Photos

September 6, 2005


Filed under: — laurenz @ 1:21 am

Malawi, originally uploaded by babasteve.

“9-10 year old boys of the Yao tribe in Malawi participating in circumcision and initiation rites.

Nikon FM2 / 85mm Nikon lens”

July 26, 2005

Zimbabwe Sunset

Filed under: — laurenz @ 6:37 pm

Zimbabwe Sunset, originally uploaded by babasteve.

Zimbabwe Sunset

July 22, 2005

Bangladesh Water Lily

Filed under: — laurenz @ 7:45 pm

Bangladesh Water Lily, originally uploaded by babasteve.

“Outside of the hustle and bustle of Dakha - Bangladesh lies a quiet park were people can walk, sit, and reflect on the beauty of creation around them. One afternoon as I was sitting in the grass, I was struck by the awesome beauty of these water-lilies floating in the lake beside me. A perfect moment to capture…!

Nikon FM2 / 200mm Nikon lens”

July 19, 2005

Malawi n5

Filed under: — laurenz @ 7:32 pm

Malawi n5, originally uploaded by babasteve.

Photographer’s comment: “It was before sunrise on Lake Malawi, Africa’s third largest freshwater lake. It runs deep - part of the Rift Vally fault. The pre-sunrise sky reflected blood red on the crystal waters of the lake. Villagers were already up, starting their daily chores. Here one woman helps her friend raise a bucket of water drawn from the lake. What a photogrpaher’s dream come true!”

July 13, 2005

Ethiopian Priest

Filed under: — laurenz @ 3:48 pm

Ethiopia 4, originally uploaded by babasteve.

Ethiopian Orthodox priest.
Nikon FM2 / 85mm Nikon lens


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All photos on Travelphoto NET: Copyright Laurenz Bobke. Copyright for the photos on the Outstanding Travel Photos blog: the individual photographer
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