Outstanding Travel Photos

February 27, 2006

Flying Girl

Filed under: — laurenz @ 9:36 pm
Flying Girl, originally uploaded by maciekda.

Tonle Sap rver, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

February 19, 2006

Gisimba Memorial Center

Filed under: — laurenz @ 5:57 pm

Gisimba Memorial Center, originally uploaded by camera_rwanda.

Gisimba Memorial Center

She asked me to take this photograph…the gesture feels like a little offering…like a little Valentine…

Gisimba Memorial Center.
Kigali, Rwanda. Afrika.
June, 2005.

The orphanage currently houses over 150 children. Ten years ago almost all were genocide victims, but many of the newer arrivals have been orphaned by AIDS. Because their parents were HIV+, a number of them are also infected.”

more on the orphanage


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