the Narrows — Zion, US
a few hundred meters downstream of Orderville Canyon junction
The Photographer: “Under the last beams of a setting sun, the Parthenon looks just incredible, a monument 25 centuries old, the Ideal of Beauty, the peak of the esthetical achievements of a great civilization.”
Parthenon - Athens, Greece
The photographer: ” shot this with Fuji Velvia 50 and a 2-stop hard GND filter and scanned it with a Nikon Coolscan IV. No real “processing” other than to try and match the original slide. It was a stormy late afternoon and I was near Paoha Island out in Mono Lake looking west towards the Sierra crest. This was a multi-day mid-winter solo kayak trip. The water color in the shallows had a greenish tint but the deeper water was quite blue. Mono Lake is 3 times saltier than the ocean which is why it’s not frozen in winter.”
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